What are your plans for World Environment Day? Since 1974 over 143 countries have recognized June 5th as a time to raise awareness for environmental issues.

Interestingly, each year has a new theme covering environmental issues such as marine pollution, human overpopulation, global warming, sustainable consumption, and wildlife crime. For example, the very first year, in 1974, the theme was “Only One Earth.”  Further, since 1987 it is held by a new host country each year. For example, the very first World Environment Day celebrated “Only One Earth” in Spokane, Washington, USA. This year, Pakistan will host the event.

2021 World Environment Day Theme

This year, the World Environment Day theme is “Ecosystem Restoration,” focusing on resetting or relationship with nature.  More and more experts are raising alarms about the condition of our ecosystems like wetlands, rain forests and barrier reefs. These natural systems, when they are healthy, benefit us. For example, wetlands serve as filters, helping to clean water that may have pollutants in it. Restoring our ecosystems allows them to serve their beneficial roles in supporting human life.

2021 World Environment Day Theme

This year, the World Environment Day theme is “Ecosystem Restoration,” focusing on resetting or relationship with nature. Subsequently, Ecosystem Restoration can take many forms, including growing trees, planting flowering plants helping pollinators , rewilding gardens, changing diets, or cleaning up rivers and coasts.


Rindt-McDuff Associates Personal Interest in This Year’s Theme

Rindt-McDuff Associates engineers have spent years designing programs and systems to protect our rivers, land, and air. For example, we have an Environmental Compliance division that helps industrial plants and local governments meet water and wastewater, waste disposal and air emissions compliance requirements. In addition, our civil engineering division designs water and wastewater systems for industrial plants, communities, commercial development, and local government. Therefore, this year’s theme is of particular importance to us.

 What Can You Do to Celebrate World Environment Day?

While it’s unlikely you will jump on a plane to go all the way to Pakistan to celebrate this year’s event, there are simple things you can do to raise your awareness. Some ideas include:

  • Plant a tree
  • Reduce your impact by recycling and encourage others to do the same
  • Pick up trash in US waterways, beaches, and streets
  • Reduce water consumption
  • Refrain from putting non-compostable items down the sink
  • Get involved in local government to implement policies to cut waste
  • Report toxic activity that harms our waterways

Whatever you do, remember we are all in this together.


At Rindt-McDuff Associates, we have a professional and personal interest in protecting the environment. As a Christ-oriented company, we believe God graced us with this beautiful land, and it is up to us to protect it and all life it supports. Moreover, we are to be stewards of God’s creation so that our children and our children’s children will be able to enjoy it abundantly.


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